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Screen daily, by Martin Blaney

VOICES call for Polish cinema focus

Polish cinema will be the focus of VOICES, Russia’s only film festival dedicated specifically to young European cinema.

Veteran director Krzysztof Zanussi will come to Vologda to present his personal selection of Polish films.

Originally, the festival’s sixth edition had been cancelled due to current economic and political situation in Russia, but a concerted effort by the festival team, the regional and city adminstrations, private sponsors and the local audience in the festival’s home of Vologda has meant that VOICES will be able to take place on a more modest level from July 3-6.

Russian TV film critic Sergey Sholokhov and Georgian filmmaker Nana Djordjadze have already been named as members of the international jury. 

Past editions had spotlights on French, Italian, German, Dutch and British cinemas as well as a series of workshops and programmes.